law, justice, police & security
(BrE) solicitor

(BrE) solicitor
(AmE) attorney-at-law

(AmE) attorney-at-law
Ned. | BrE | AmE |
aangifte doen | lay a charge | file a (police) complaint |
aanklacht | plaint | complaint |
aanraking/conflict/botsing (in ... komen met de wet), (zie ook: BBI) | fall foul of the law* | fall afoul of the law |
aanranding | indecent assault | sexual assault |
advocaat (note 19) (OALD 'lawyer') | solicitor / barrister | attorney (at law) |
advocaat (als ... worden toegelaten) | be called to the bar (ook CanE) | be admitted to the bar |
advocatenkantoor (note 42) | (ook:) solicitor's firm, barristers' office(s), (set of) Chambers | law firm* |
advocatenstagiair(e), advocaat i.o., (zie ook: rechtenstagiair) (note 38) | (1) (barrister's) pupil, (2) articled clerk, articling student, trainee solicitor | legal clerk, legal assistant* |
aktentas | (1) brief-bag (for barristers), (2) briefcase*, deed-case (for solicitors) | briefcase, attaché case |
alimentatie (note 29) | maintenance | alimony and child support |
alimentatie (bevel tot betaling van ...) (BBI) | maintenance order | support order |
arbitrageraad, arbitragecommissie | arbitration tribunal | arbitration board |
artikel (wets...) (note 21) | section* | paralegal, |
assistent van advocaat (note 43) | junior barrister | (usually:) article |
bankbeslag, hypothecaire executie | repossession (huis, auto, etc.) | (1) repossession (of a car), (2) foreclosure (of a house) |
bedrijfsrecht | company law | corporate law |
beëdigd vertaler | sworn translator | certified translator |
beklaagde, verweerder | (note 20) | (note 20) |
beroep (in ... gaan tegen) (note 16) (zie BBI) | appeal against | appeal (from) |
beroep afwijzen (note 16) | appeal dismissed | judgment affirmed |
beroep toewijzen (note 16) | appeal approved | judgment reversed |
beschuldiging (vasle ...) (zie: inluizen) | a trumped up charge, a fit-up | a frame-up |
bewijslast | onus of proof | burden of proof* |
bezinningstijd, bedenktijd | cooling-off period | cooling time |
bezitnemer (juridisch) | occupier | occupant |
bode (vgl. parketwachter) | court official | court clerk |
borgtocht | bail* | (also:) pretrial release |
brandstichter, pyromaan | fire raiser | arsonist* |
burgerarrest | (ook:) private arrest | citizen's arrest* |
cipier (zie: gevangenbewaarder) | ------------ | ---------- |
collectieve actie/-rechtszaak (zie: groepsgeding) | -------- | --------- |
collectieve schadeclaim (note 27) | group litigation (group order) | class-action (suit), mass tort (litigation) |
comparant | appearer* | (also:) constituent (see: notary, link) |
compositietekening/-foto | Identikit, photofit, E-fit (OALD) | composite sketch/photo, composite |
conclusie van eis | statement of claim, (ScotE) summons, initial writ | complaint, petition |
dagvaarding (van getuige) | (witness) summons* | subpoena* |
dagvaarding (van verdachte) | summons* | citation* |
dagvaarding (inleidende ...) | originating application | originating summons |
definitieve voorziening | perpetual injunction | permanent injunction |
deponeren, indienen, idem (oprichtingsakte, statuten) | lodge (e.g. a complaint), register (e.g. company articles) | file |
derdenbeslag (note 50) | attachment (of earning), third party debt order, garnishhee order | (wage) garnishment, garnishment order (zie: Garner) |
derogatie (vgl. dispensatie, link) (zie BBI), (permission to bypass an EU regulation) | (grant a / apply for a) derogation | grant a / apply for a) variance |
deurwaarder (note 37) | bailiff | marshall, process server |
diefstal | theft | larceny |
dilatoire middelen gebruiken | pervert the course of justice | obstruct justice |
doodslag | ----- (ScotE: culpable homicide) | manslaughter* |
doorlichten, antecedenten onderzoeken | vet (sb.) | screen (sb.) |
drankwet | licensing laws | excise laws |
ede (onder ...) | (ook:) on oath | under oath* |
eerste rechter van het Hof van Beroep | President of the Court of Appeal (Civil) | Master of the Rolls |
eigendomsakte | title deed | deed |
eigendomsoverdracht (transport) | conveyancing | conveyance |
eis | statement of claim | complaint |
eiser(es), rekwirant, (in civile zaak) (note 20) | claimant*, (also:) complainant | plaintiff* |
erfdienstbaarheid (note 13) | (also:) wayleave | easement* (cf. servitude) |
faillissement aanvragen (note 26) | go into liquidation | (also:) file for Chapter 7 |
faillissementsverklaring, (note 26) | bankruptcy order, liquidation order | adjudication (in bankruptcy) |
gedaagde in appel, verweerder (note 20) | respondent* | (also:) appellee |
gerechtsgebouw, rechtbank (zie ook BBI) | (law) court | courthouse |
gerechtshof | appeal court | appeals court, appelate court |
geregistreerd partnerschap (note 7) | civil partnership | common-law partnership |
getuige (hoofd..., kroon...) | material/chief/principal witness* | (also:) key witness, star witnees |
getuigenbank (zie ook BBI) (note 51) | witness-box | stand, witness stand |
getuigendagvaarding | witness summons | subpoena* |
getuigenis afleggen, (in rechtszaal) (note 13) | enter the witness-box | take the stand, be on the witness stand |
getuigenconfrontatie, Osloconfrontatie (zie ook BBI) (note 53) | identity/identification parade | (police) line-up* |
gerechtelijk vooronderzoek | committal proceedings | preliminary hearing |
gerechtshof (note 16) | appeal court, Court of Appeal | appeals court, Court of Appeals |
gevangen zetten (informeel) | nick (ook: jatten) | nab (ook: jatten) |
gevangenbewaarder, cipier | (ook:) warder | (prison) guard |
gevangenis (note 32) | (ook:) gaol | jail* |
gevangenisdirecteur | (prison) governor | (prison) warden |
groepsgeding (note 27), collectieve actie, collectieve rechtzaak | ± group action, group litigation order, mass lawsuit | ± class action,representative action, class-action lawsuit, mass tort case |
gummiknuppel (zie: wapenstok) | ------ | ------- |
handelen met voorkennis | insider dealing | insider trading |
hangende hoger beroep | under appeal | on appeal |
heterdaadje, terecht beschuldigd | bang to rights (zie OALD) | dead to rights |
huiselijk geweld | domestic (violence),wife-battering | domestic abuse |
huwelijksvoorwaarden (note 8) | antenuptial agreement | prenuptial agreement, prenup, marital terms |
illegale buitenlander | illegal entrant | illegal alien |
inbraak (woning ....) | burglary* | (also:) housebreaking |
inbreken (in) | burgle | burglarize |
inbreker | burglar* | (also:) housebreaker |
indienen, uitvaardigen (zie ook BBI), (een aanklacht/tenlastelegging ....) | issue*, present*, return* (.... an indictement) | (ook:) hand up (an indictement) |
indirecte aansprakelijkheid | vicarious responsibility | vicarious liability |
inleidende dagvaarding | originating application | originating summons |
inluizen (ergens ...), vals beschuldigen | fit (sb) up | frame (sb) up |
inzage van stukken (in rechtzaak), (note 22) | disclosure, (formerly:) discovery | discovery |
jatten, (in)pikken | nick (ook: gevangen zetten) | nab (ook: gevangen zetten) |
jeugdinrichting/-gevangenis | Borstal | juvenile hall, juvy, reform school |
jurisprudentie | case law* | also: jurisprudence |
juryaanwijzingen (van rechter), (note 11) | summing up | jury instructions, (vroeger: summation) |
jurydienst | jury service | jury duty |
juryleden (aanvullende ...) | tales | venire members |
kindermishandeling | child-battering, child abuse* | domestic violence, (= huiselijk geweld) |
kroongetuige worden (zie ook BBI) | turn Queen's/King's evidence, Crown witness, (zie o.a. A Certain Justice, P.D. James) | turn state's evidence/, turn federal witness, (zie ook Turow, Limitations, ch. 2) |
legaliseren (document) (note 2) | certify | (authenticate), legalize |
legitimatiebewijs (politie) (note 44) | warrant card | cred pack, (credentials pack) |
letselschadeadvocaat (dubieuze ...) | (personal injury lawyer*), accident tout | ambulance chaser |
lijkschouwer (note 14) | coroner* | medical examiner* |
lijkschouwing | post-mortem* | autopsy* |
mededingingsrecht | competition law | antitrust law |
medeschuld (note 24), medeoorzakelijke nalatigheid | contributory negligence* | comparative negligence |
meerderjarige leeftijd | age of majority | legal age |
minderjarige | (also:) infant | minor* |
Minister van Justitie (note 4) | Minister of Justice | Attorney General |
Ministerie van Justitie (note 4) | Ministry of Justice | Department of Justice |
misdaad (note 5) | indictable offence | felony |
misdrijf (note 5) | summary offence | misdeameanor |
mishandelen | maltreat | mistreat |
moord | murder | second-degree murder, "murder two " |
moord met verzachtende omstandigheden | murder with mitigating circumstances | first-degree murder, "murder one" |
moord met verzwarende omstandigheden | murder with aggravating circumstances | third-degree murder, "murder three " |
moord met voorbedachte rade | murder with malice aforethought | intended murder |
motivatie (note 10) | judgment | (judicial) opinion*, (ruling) |
nabestaande, afhankelijk(e) (kind) | dependant | dependent |
nietigverklaring (van huwelijk) | nullity | annulment |
NN, de onbekende (note 31) | Joe Bloggs (zie OALD) | John/Jane Doe, John/Jane Roe |
no cure no pay | conditional fee | contingency fee* (on a ... basis) |
notarieel bekrachtigd (note 2) | (meestal:) notarially validated | notarized* |
notaris (note 1) | notary, (vgl. commissioner for oaths) | notary-at-law (vgl. notary public) |
officier van justitie, openbaar aanklager, zie ook: Openbaar Ministerie (note 19) | crown prosecutor, public prosecutor* | District Attorney, DA |
omgangsregeling, bezoekregeling | access (arrangement) | visitation (arrangement/rights) |
omgangsregeling (beperkte ...) | staying access | temporary custody |
omleggen, om zeep helpen (note 33) | ----- | whack sb, waste sb |
onderpand | lien | pledge |
onderhandse verkoop | sale by private treaty | sale by contract |
onrechtmatig ontslag | wrongful dismissal | wrongful discharge |
onteigening | compulsory purchase | expropriation |
ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid (wegens ...) | diminished responsibility, (on the grounds of ...) | insanity (by reasons of ...) |
Openbaar Ministerie, OM, (parket) (note 19) | Crown Prosecution Service, (IntE) Public Prosecution Service | U.S. Attorney's Office |
open gevangenis/inrichting | open prison | minimum security prison |
oplichterij, flessentrekkerij (zie ook BBI) | con(fidence) trick (zie OALD) | con(fidence) game (zie OALD) |
oprichter/insteller van een trust | settlor, donor | trustor |
overtreding (note 5) | non-indictable offence | misdemeanor |
overval | (also:) stick-up (zie OALD) | hold-up* |
parketwachter (vgl. bode) | court (police) officer, dock officer | bailiff |
pleiten | debate | argue |
politieagent (note 3), (note 33) | police constable, PC, WPC | police officer |
politiebureau | police station* | (also:) station house |
politielint (afzetlint) | incident tape | crime scene tape |
politieregister (arrestaties/klachten) | charge sheet | blotter |
premisse, vooronderstelling | premiss | premise |
preventief fouilleren | stop and search | stop and frisk |
procesbelang | (usually:) standing | (usually:) locus standi |
processtukken, peremptoir | statements of the case | pleadings |
proefverlof (met ...) | out on licence | on parole |
protest/bezwaar toegewezen | objection allowed | objection sustained |
ratio decidendi, wetsgrond | ratio decidendi* | holding |
rechtsbijstand (kosteloze ...) | legal aid | public defender, PD |
rechtenstage (note 38) | pupillage, traineeship | clerkship |
rechtenstagebegeleider (note 38) | pupil-master | ----- |
rechtenstagiair(e) (note 38), (zie ook: advocatenstagiair) | (1) (barrister's) pupil, (2) articled clerk, articling student, trainee solicitor | (legal) clerk, legal assistant* |
rechterlijke macht | (the) judicature | (the) judiciary |
rechtsbevoegdheid | competence | jurisdiction* |
rechtsgang belemmeren | pervert the course of justice | obstruct justice |
rechtsgebouw | law court | courthouse |
rechtzaak | court case* | (also:) lawsuit#* |
recidivist | hardened criminal | career criminal* (zie OALD) |
rijden onder invloed | drink driving, (drunken driving), | drunk driving, DUI (= driving under the influence), DWI (= driving while intoxicated) |
roekeloos rijgedrag | driving without due care and attention, (= DCA), driving to the public danger | reckless driving |
rol | cause list, calendar (strafrecht) | (trial) docket, court calendar, trial calendar, docket sheet (straf-/civielrecht) |
slotpleidooi (note 11) | closing argument | summing up, (summation) |
spreekverbod | gagging order | gag order |
straatroof, aanranding | robbery with violence, RWV | mugging |
straatverbod | exclusion order | restraining order |
strafaftrek | remission | time off |
strafpleiter (zie ook BBI), (note 19) | barrister, counsel* | trial lawyer, (trial) attorney, litigator, counsel, counselor |
strafrechtelijke vervolging | criminal prosecution | criminal action |
surseance aanvragen (note 26) | go into administration | file for Chapter 11 |
tegeneis | (ook:) cross-claim | counterclaim* |
terugkerend belang | reversionary interest | remainder (interest) |
toegewezen advocaat | legal aid | public defender |
toerekenbare nalatigheid | contributory negligence | comparative negligence |
toga (rechters...) | (judge's) gown | (judge's) robe |
transport, eigendomsoverdracht | conveyancing | conveyance |
terugwerkende kracht (met ...) | with retrospective effect | with retroactive effect |
trefwoord (boven rechtszaakverslag) | catchword | keynotereformatory |
tuchtschool | remand home, (Borstal) | redirect (examination) |
tweede verhoor (na kruisverhoor) | re-examination | |
uitnodiging tot aankoop (contractrecht) | invitation to treat | invitation to negotiate |
uitspreken (een vonnis) (zie ook BIB), uitspraak doen, vonnis vellen (note 47) | (usually) give judgment, give/make a ruling*, render a decision | (usually:) render judgment/decision, hand down a judgment/decision/ruling |
uitvaardigen (een gerechtelijk bevel ...) (zie BBI), (note 47) | grant/issue (an injunction)*, give/issue* (an order) (zie ook BBI) | (ook:) hand up (an injunction), hand down an order |
unanieme (jury)uitspraak | agreed verdict | consent decree |
verdaging (een ... toekennen) (zie ook BBI) | (grant an) ajournment* | (ook:) (grant a) continuance |
verhoor (eerste ..., getuigenverhoor) (note 48) | examination-in-chief (ook CanE, AusE, SafE) | direct questioning, direct examination |
verhoor (tweede ...., nieuw ....) (note 48) | re-examination (ook CanE, AusE, SafE) | redirect (examination) |
verkeersboete | traffic fine | ticket |
verjaringswet, verjaard, verjaard zijn | (ook:) statute barred, (m.b.t. civile zaken), the statute of limitations has expired | statute of limitations* (ook strafr.), extinguished by limitation, the statute of limitations has run* |
verklaring van berusting | agreed verdict | consent decree |
verminderde toerekeningsvatbaarheid (wegens ...) | diminished responsibility, (on the grounds of ...) | insanity, (by reasons of ...) |
vernietigen, ongedaan maken | quash (a verdict / a decision) | overrule (a verdict / decision) |
veroordelen tot gevangenisstraf (zie ook BBI) | (ook:) send sb. down (for ... years) | send sb. up (for ... years) |
verordening (gemeentelijke ...) | bye-law | ordinance |
versus (afkorting) (note 31) | v* | (also:) vs. |
vertegenwoordigen, optreden namens | (also:) act for | represent |
verweerder, (zie beklaagde) | ------------ | -------------- |
VOG, Verklaring omtrent Gedrag | CRB certificate, CRB check (note 33) | police certificate (note 33) |
vonnis in hoger beroep bevestigd | appeal dismissed | judgment affirmed |
vonnis in hoger beroep vernietigd | appeal allowed | judgment reversed |
voogdij (over minderjarige) | (also:) wardship | custody |
voogdijtoewijzing (v. onecht kind) | affiliation order | support order |
voorlopige hechtenis (in ...) | (on) remand, remanded in custody | pre-trial detention, in custody awaiting trial |
voorarrest vonnis, tussenvonnis, (note 25) | (formerly?) interlocutory injunction | temporary injunction |
voorlopige voorziening (note 25) | interim relief | interlocutory relief* |
voorzien, beogen | envisage | envision |
voorziening in kort geding, (note 25) | interim injunction | interlocutory injunction, interim injunction |
vonnisregister | docket | judgment roll |
vrijwaringsprocedure, -incident | third party proceedings | impleader |
wapenstok, gummiknuppel | truncheon, baton (zie OALD) | billy club, nightstick |
zijdelingse uitsluiting | issue estoppel | issue preclusion |