taal & drukwerk
(BrE) newsagent's

(BrE) newsagent's
(AmE) newsstand

(AmE) newsstand
Ned. | BrE | AmE |
aanhalingstekens | (also:) inverted commas | quotation marks*, quotes*, speech marks* |
aanhef (brief ...) | salutation* | greeting |
aankruisen, afvinken | tick | check, mark |
accolade(teken) | brace | curly bracket |
achternaam | (also:) surname (zie OALD) | last name*, family name |
achterzijde (op de ... van blad) | (also:) overleaf | on the reverse side* |
advertentie | (also:) advert, advertisement* | (also:) ad |
afvinken (zie: controlelijst) | tick (sth.) off | check (sth.) off* |
agaat(regel) (lettergrootte) (note 8) | ruby | agate (line) (ca. 2 mm hoog, 14 regels per inch) |
Alg. Beschaafd Nederlands, ABN | (cf.) Received Pronunciation, RP (British) | (cf.) General American, GA, (also:) Broadcast Standard |
ansichtkaart (zie ook: BBI) | postcard* (IntE) | (also:) postal card |
begeleidende brief (bij CV) | covering letter | cover letter* |
bibliobus | mobile library | bookmobile |
bijlage, bijvoegsel (in krant) | insert | supplement* |
bladenverkoper, kioskhouder | newsagent | newsdealer |
boulevardblad (zie ook: BBI) | glossy magazine* | (also:) slick magazine |
boventiteling | surtitle | supertitle |
cartoonstrip, (zie ook: BBI) | comic strip* (IntE), cartoon*, (ook:) strip cartoon | (ook:) strip, comic strip*, the comics, the funny papers, the funnies |
circulaire, strooibiljet | circular | flier |
controlelijst (zie: afvinken) | tick list | check list* |
contrôlestrookje, kwitantiestrook | counterfoil | stub |
corrector | corrector (of the press) | proofreader |
correspondentievriend(in) (zie ook: BBI) | (also:) pen friend | pen pal* |
cursief, schuin gedrukte tekst | joined-up writing | cursive writing |
CV, curriculum vitae (note 2) | CV, curriculum vitae | résumé |
decalcomanie, overdrukplaatje, sticker (note 10) | transfer, sticker* | decal |
decimaal teken, (bijv. 145,35) | spot, (145.35 = 145 spot 35) | (decimal) point, (145.35 = 145 point 35) |
detectiveromannetje | (also:) whodunnit | whodunit |
driekwart | three quarters* | (also:) three fourths |
druk (1ste, 2de, etc.) | impression | printing |
drukfout, typefout | literal error, typo(graphical error) | misprint |
drukwerk (zie BBI) | (also:) printed papers | printed matter* |
dubbele achternaam | double-barrelled surname | hyphenated surname |
dubbele cijfers | double figures | double digits |
financieel redacteur | City editor | financial editor |
fricatief, spirant, glijder | fricative (zie OALD) | spirant |
gebonden boek/uitgave | hardback* (book/edition) | (also:) hard cover (book/edition) |
getiteld (van boek) | entitled* | titled |
gezien (voor ... tekenen) | sign off | initial |
haakjes (rond) (zie ook: BBI) | round brackets | parentheses |
haakjes (vierkant), spekhaken | square brackets | brackets |
hekje (note 9) | hash (mark/sign)*, gate, square | pound sign, number sign |
hoofdredacteur | chief editor | editor-in-chief |
hoofdredactioneel artikel (zie ook: BBI) | (formerly also:) leader, leading article | editorial* |
hoogachtend, met vriendelijke groet | Yours sincerely/faithfully, | Sincerely (yours), Yours truly |
invullen zie ook: BBI) | fill in*, fill up, (formerly:) fill up | fill out*, complete (IntE) |
joli (lettergrootte) (note 8) | emerald ( 6,5 picapunt = 2,284 mm) | minionette ( 6,5 picapunt = 2,284 mm) |
kantoorboekhandel (zie ook: BBI) | stationer's (shop) | staionery shop/store |
kiosk (note 10) | newsagent, bookstall, kiosk* | newsdealer, newsstand, concession stand |
kleine lettertjes | small print* | fine print* |
kleinste gemene deler (zie OALD) | lowest common denominator* | (also:) least common denominator |
kleinste gemene veelvoud (zie OALD) | lowest common multiple* | (usually:) least common multiple |
kopijvoorbereider, editor (zie ook: BBI) | sub-editor | copy-reader, copy editor |
knipsel (zie ook: BBI) | (also:) (press) cutting | (press) clipping* |
knipseldienst (zie ook: BBI) | (press) cutting service | clipping bureau |
krantenkiosk, kiosk (note 10) | newsstall | newsstand |
krantenuitgever (zie ook: BBI) | (newspaper) proprietor | newspaper publisher |
krantenwijk | paper round | paper route (note 9) |
kroontjespen | (pen) nib | (pen) point |
lettertype portmanteau | fount of type | font of type |
letterzetter, (zie ook: zetter | compositor* | (ook:) typesetter |
Lieve Lita | agony aunt | advice columnist |
Lieve-Litarubriek, problemenrubriek | agony column | advice column |
meisjesnaam (note 7) | maiden name*, née* | née, (increasingly:) birth name |
microscoop (lettergrootte) (note 8) | -------- | ---------- |
nul (note 8) | nought | naught |
oud nummer, oude aflevering | (also:) back copy, back number | back issue* |
per adres | care of ..., c/o* | in care of ... |
persklaar maken (zie ook: BBI) | sub-edit | copy-edit |
portmanteau(woord), vlechtwoord | portmanteau | blend word |
punt (aan eind van zin) | full stop*, (full point) | period* |
pocket(boek), ongebonden uitgave | paperback (edition) | trade paperback, pocket book |
publiceren, brengen (een artikel) | contain (an article) | carry (an article) |
referentie (in CV)(note 3) | referee | reference |
reserveringsformulier | booking form | reservation form (zie OALD) |
roddelblad | redtop | scandal sheet, scandal rag |
rubrieksadvertentie, annonce | small ad*, classified advert(isement) | (also:) want ad |
schuine streep (leesteken) | stroke, oblique (stroke) | slash*, virgule, diagonal, slant |
staafgrafiek | bar chart | bar graph |
Staatsdrukkerij | ± Her Majesty's Stationery Office, HMSO | ± Government Printing Office |
stenograaf | shorthand typist | stenographer |
stenografie | shorthand | stenography |
stuiverroman | penny dreadful | dime novel |
t.a.v. (ter attentie van) | for the attention of, (also:) fao | to the attention of, attn.* (OALD) |
tekenaar (technisch ...) | draughtsman/-woman | draftsman (zie OALD) |
tweecijferig getal | double figure(s) | double digit(s) |
uitroepteken (leesteken)(note 11) | exclamation mark* | exclamation point |
vinkje (zie ook: BBI) | tick, tick mark | check mark |
visitekaartje (note 7) | business card*, visiting card | (ook:) calling card* (ook figuurlijk) |
voorgedrukt briefpapier | headed paper | letterhead |
voornaam (note 1)(OALD) | first name*, (Christian name* | given name*, (formeel: forename*) |
vriendelijke groet, Met ... (note 5), (briefafsluiting) (zie ook: BBI) | Yours, Yours ever, Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely* | Sincerely yours, Yours truly, Very truly yours, Sincerely, Yours sincerely* |
wenskaart (zie ook: BBI) | greetings card | greeting card |
z (letter) | zed | zee (CanE: zed) |
zakboekje, notitieboekje | pocketbook (finance note 27) | pocket notebook |
zetter (zie ook: letterzetter) | compositor | typesetter |
z.o.z. (zie ommezijde) | p.t.o. (please turn over) | over (see over) |
zwevend deelwoord (zie ook: BBI) | misrelated participle | dangling participle |